Saturday, July 27, 2013

Having a raised Garden Bed has many advantages for growing your plants such as installation of an irrigation system, dirt control, More exposure to sun and proper drainaige.

Below I will show you  an excellent image to be seen that demonstrates how the system works and the first step is to prepare the site before outlining your dimensions.

Once the dimension have been outlined You can start by adding the wooden walls and putting down layers to prevent weed from growing.

When the ground layer is finished you can start adding soil or rockfilling and/or add an irrigation system.

It's not a simple thing to do but I will be posting more post into detail later.


Keywords: Garden, raised, bed

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Make your own free compost liquid fertilizer with digestion of nettle wast

So this is a great tip that my grandfather teached me. Making your own compost is a great way to get rich soil but many people like to add liquid
nutrients to their soil.

Well I will tell you that you don't need liquid nutrients to be added to your soil at all! There is a simple way to get your own free fertilizer.

Basically you need a big reservoir with a whole in the bottom that you can drain the liquid out. Than all you need to do is add the nettle waste, add water and drain on the bottom, and there you go, your own free fertilizer!

Watch out though, this stuff is really powerful so watch out to not overdrain your plants!

Keywords: fertilizer, drain, water, liquid

image: creative common

Sunday, July 21, 2013

DIY Bird Feeder, Easy to Make - Fun Project for Kids

A bird feeder can be easily made from an empty 'one gallon' milk jug. It's actually a fun project for kids and this will learn them how to get in
touch with nature.

The image already reveals how to do it and basically all you need is some simple tools, bird seed and a milk jug. You first cut the wire
to an approriate length and then you drill a hole in the milk jug. When the circle is cut out of the milk jug all you need to do is fill it with bird seed
that you can easily buy at every pet store. All these materials will easily cost below $5 so help your birds out, as I explained before, your garden will benefit as well

Read more:

image: nationalschoolsupply

Keywords: milk,jug,seed,birds,diy

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Make a Cheap Budget Bird House - Birds will give you something in return

Bird population is in a rapid decline and if people don't help, soon a lot of species will dissapear. Insectices have increased causing a lot of birds to die and
many birds don't find a place to build their nest due to deforestation.

A bird nest can be easily build yourself with some simple wood cutting tools and some scrap wood residue.

If you want to build a profesionnal looking bird house I advice to buy some wood from a woorden store and start cutting them.
The best and most easy thing is to glue them together and making a hole in front.

If you want you can do this with your kids and let them paint the exterior of the birdhouse in a dark color.

If you have a lot of birdhouse in your garden, not only will you wake up cheerfully, you will also be protected agains catterpillars and other small insects that the birds eat

Thanks for reading and happy gardening!

you can read a more in depth detailed article here:

image: creative common

Keywords; Birdnest, bird, housing,diy,garden

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kids Just Love Allium Flowers - Buy Them Cheap under $5

Allium Flowers are beautiful flowers that can become very tall. They actually are a member of the onion and look like a big lollipop.

They have long sturdy stalks and bloom early. When You buy them fully grown they can be quite expensive but it's a better choice to grow them from seeds.

Growing them from seeds require patience, but this is more rewarding and will actually save you $30 ! I honestly also think growing flowers from a seed is more fun

A fully detailed guide about how to optimal grow them from seeds can be found here:

Don't forget that once they grow you need to take proper care of them and in general are only suitable for mild climates (US agriculture hardiness between 6-10)

Have Fun growing!

image: creative commons

Keywords: Garden,Allium, seeds, flower

Create your own Little Private Outdoor space

Living in your garden means relaxing, hanging out and just having that one little space that you can use to unwind from a busy day.

To have a worry free garden you can try to have a little piece of space that is completely shaded by plants and isolated from people. You should be surrounded
with beautiful plants that are easy to maintain.

Creating your own hammock can be easy and fun but you can decorate that one little space to your own personal needs.

You can also consider to add pillows and natural lightning and a small place to put your cool drinks or place your book.

On thing I never seem to quite understand is that many people keep their garden unkept and dirty, what is the point of that, Isn't it more fun to have a tidy clean garden?

Have fun guys and experiment at your own pace, it can be just wonderful!

See more here:

Keywords: garden,clean,patio

image: apartmenttherapy

Make Your Own Stone Patio - DIY Cobblestone under $250 (£200)

Cobblestones have something inspiring, charming and cute. They are used in medieval towns and are easy to build.

Building a Patio involves buying cobblestone molds and a mixing barrel for mixing concrete. The dirt can be leveled with a metal rake and the trick is to work clean and even.

Therefore I advice to first lay a thin layer of concrete before adding the cobblestones. Another tip while working is that you will experience a lot
of dirt and residue so have a place to dump those extras.

The project will not cost more than $250 if done right and an example project can be seen here:

Keywords: Cobblestone, Patio, cheap

Have fun and don't hesitate to comment